As per the directive of DoE on Rationalization of Autonomous Bodies, DBT has obtained cabinet approval for rationalization of its 13 Autonomous Institutions (AIs) by subsuming them under one Autonomous Society, Biotechnology Research and Innovation Council (BRIC), for centralized governance and to maximize the impact of biotech research, for effective utilization of existing resources. The current effort of "Restructuring of DBT-AIs" is towards maximizing socio-economic outcomes from public funded research towards achieving the National goals of Atmanirbhar Bharat, Make-in-India and Vigyan se Vikas.
BRIC has been created for the realization of the following goals:
- Creation of one Autonomous Body
DBT to subsume its 13 Autonomous Institutions (AIs) and create one Autonomous Body, Biotechnology Research and Innovation Council (BRIC), as a registered Society.
- Bring parity across cadres in the 13 DBT AIs
DBT proposes a proportionate Human resource structure across its institutions along with their pay levels.
- Build specialized skills as per the New Education Policy
New Ph.D programs with research immersion and common course-curriculum, in order to foster creative thinking through advanced training and innovative projects.
- Build synergies in research
Building integrated, multi-disciplinary research programs across institutions to strengthen collective scientific effort and maximize impact.
- Align mandates to National Missions
Promote mission-oriented scientific research, addressing unmet societal needs and directed at public good.